What´s Ahead



So since this blog was only started near the end of January, I haven´t had much chance to talk about what I want to do this year/what plans I already have for this year. You could consider this a preview of the adventures to come in the life of Lea.


I love travelling and experiencing new things, cultures and places, and one of the things I´ll hopefully be doing in the rest of 2015 is exactly that. I already know I´m going to Istanbul with my class in September, which will hopefully be a super interesting trip, even though it will include some school work. But despite the fact that I am currently applying for a job in the height of my summer break, I really want to go away at some point doing the summer with my family. This year it is especially important to me, because I can´t go with them in 2 weeks for their skiing trip, because I am unfortunately born with a handicapped foot, and it is just too much for me. I hope I haven´t jinxed my possibilities of getting that job now by saying I hope I can get a week off. 

Ps: It should be noted that my handicap isn´t as serious as some others, who have the same disease as me, but nevertheless I do depend on a compression sock and 2 painkillers every morning in order to have a good day. 


I´m turning 18 in the start of August, which is obviously a bit exciting, especially because a lot of my classmates are already 18. This means the coming months of my life will be full of such nice things as driving school, applying for student support (which is a really nice thing we have in Denmark bless) and in general becoming a legal adult. It is probably a bit silly that I am this excited about it, but it just feels like the beginning of something else in a way, and new beginnings are always a little exciting for me. 

Coming out of my shell

As you can´t tell just from text, I´m a very guarded person in the real world. Personally, I like to call it a side effect of being the smart, slightly snarky girl with a bad leg in a class where everyone was obsessed with sports for 10 years. I´ve never been bullied, and I could somewhat hang out with my classmates for the last few years without it being too awkward, but for a long time me and my best friend were very isolated. The result of this was, that I´ve always been worried if anyone actually wants to hear my opinion or is interested in me and what I have to say, which unfortunately means that I mostly choose to be quiet.

However, my New Years resolution for this year is to actually do something radical about this, because I´m going to hold myself back if I keep this up. I´m going to try and speak up more, both in class and in breaks, and I have a job interview in 2 weeks for the job I mentioned earlier, which I´m honestly very nervous about, but I´m going to do my absolute best to ace, because I really want that job, and I can´t stop thinking about how good it would feel to actually get it.

Anyway that´s all for now, I hope the rest of this year is good to me, and to anyone who reads this. What are your goals or things you´re excited for in the coming year? Feel free to let me know.
